Legal Updates for 2019
29th March 2019
Brexit day! The UK leaves the EU. We’ll keep you updated with any changes in Employment Law.
6th April 2019
Taxation of termination payments. Class 1A employer National Insurance contributions will be payable on termination payments over £30,000.
6th April 2019
The abolition of Class 2 NIC for the self employed.
By 2020
Parental Bereavement Bill expected to come into force. Once enacted will provide parents with 2 weeks paid leave following the death of a child under the age of 18.
Should you have any questions feel free to reach out to our help line. DLP advisors are available to answer any questions you may have at 0330 400 4495.
Additional Reading
Annual Leave Crisis
Almost a third or UK workers cancelled annual leave in 2020 leaving employers…
Creepy Callers…
Despite the positive intent for the service, there are many examples of personal…
Contact Info
Registered Office
1 City Road East
Manchester M15 4PN