Flexible Working FAQs

Flexible Working FAQs With more and more people requesting to work flexibly, we wanted to answer some of your general questions on the topic. As always, feel free contact us if you have any specific questions not listed below. Each case may always be slightly...

When Companies Fail to Follow Occupational Health Advice

When Companies Fail to Follow Occupational Health Advice An employee with autism has won a claim for indirect discrimination after the company failed to make reasonable adjustments to prevent him from feeling “overwhelmed” in the office environment. An employment...

Termination of Employment (Within Probation)

Termination of Employment (Within Probation) Sometimes the sad reality of operating a business or organisation and recruiting new employees, requires the termination of someone’s employment within probation. As most of our members will be aware, advising termination...

Employees Gagged in Maternity Discrimination Cases

Employees Gagged in Maternity Discrimination Cases As MP Maria Miller calls for further protections for pregnant women, research reveals a rise in employment disputes for new parents. Employers are increasingly utilising ‘gagging orders’ when settling pregnancy- and...

Top Questions for May 2019

Top Questions for May 2019 A visual summary of the top questions fielded by DLP Advisers in May 2019. Click image to enlarge The top questions in May were… Disciplinary – 30% Grievance – 20% Contractual Terms & Changes – 12% TUPE Transfers...

Employment Law Updates—From 2020

Employment Law Updates—From 2020 New legislation that will come into force on 6 April 2020 will require employers to provide the written statement of employment particulars re their contract from day one of employment. As a result an employer must now provide a proper...